Friday, September 12, 2008

Losing never looked, or sounded, so good.

This is me singing my guts out at the Tahitian Noni 2008 Summer Party. For the past 3 years T.N.I. has had a Tahitian Noni "Idol" competition where 10 or so employees sing, American Idol style, competing for cash prizes. I've competed each year (because I can never pass up an opportunity to make a fool of myself) taking Second Place in the first year, No Place the second year, and once again No Place this year.

I, for one, think I was completely robbed this year, losing out to a Cowboy Clown, a Yodeler, and Ms. T.N.I. Popularity with her three very popular backup dancer friends. But that's what you get when the winners are decided by popular vote; the most popular performers win, whether they gave the best performances or not (in this case, not). And whether you know you're the most popular or not, you can always fall back on dishonesty and stuff the ballot boxes (as several witnesses saw the backup dancer friends doing).

Ahh, whatever. I'm deciding not to be bitter. After all, you shouldn't enter a contest like this if you can't be a good sport when you lose. And really, there were other great performers this year, and last, that didn't win anything either. So why should I feel like I was robbed.

What do you think? Did I deserve more than my $50 Walmart gift card consolation prize? Should I give it another go next year (assuming I still work at T.N.I. by then), or just give in to my feelings of bitterness and deprive them of the epic spectacle that is Shane Singing a Song?